Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Three and a half years later . . . still here.

My son's girlfriend is the author of a brilliant new blog http://fitnessmeetsfrosting.wordpress.com/author/fitnessmeetsfrosting/ .  I enjoy reading her daily entries very much and it reminded me how much I enjoyed reading my daughters blog- I long for her to make entries again.  With that in mind I wondered when it was that I last wrote anything on my blog.  It took me a little while to EVEN FIND my blog . . . and the result- 3 1/2 years of silence.

I had a short giggle (very short) when I realized that my last entry was on the heels of a surgery on my arm.  Ironically I'm now recovering from another surgery- this time on my foot.

So, what has changed in the past 3 1/2 years?

I now have two dogs and am caring for my daughters cat.
The dog and cat in my previous "history" have both crossed over the "rainbow bridge"
My hair is still in a constant state of color flux
I still swim, but now on the Masters Team in my community
I've gained back some of the weight I had lost . . . but am going to get my head straight and bid that weight a fond adieu!

So, I'm back.  I'm going to try to make more periodic entries.  They will not be themed, or witty but will be authentic!

Missed you!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

jumping to conclusions . . .

The only exercise I've been able to get since my surgery has been an unfortunate bit of jumping to conclusions.
let me explain.
when I started my blog I had a few faithful readers and comment leavers (as Ash says, blogments). I'm not certain who still reads of those few, I know my Mom is there, and so is my daughter but those two aside, I'm not sure who actually looks at this digital diary.

Several posts ago I started getting comments in some sort of Asian language. Of course, I'm unfamiliar with any such language so I couldn't guess if they were Chinese, Japanese, Korean or any other language which uses characters. Without investigation i simply deleted these comments- ASSUMING that they were some sort of commercial for male enhancement or Viagra. Tonight I got another of these comments on my previous post. again, I deleted it as soon as I saw it. I had just completed this permanent action when Kyle got home and cleverly tried to translate the text online. We aren't entirely sure what the text said, but it was something supportive and kind. I immediately felt like a huge schmuck.

In my mind I am picturing a very kind man or woman, patiently reading through my ridiculous rants and verbiage, writing what likely were thoughtful remarks only to have them immediately removed by a suspicious "conclusion jumper"

please, whoever you are, accept my genuine apology and profound THANK YOU for hanging in there.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

post surgical notes

typing is a bit of a chore so I know you will forgive the brevity of this entry.

two notes from yesterday:
prior to the procedure the anesthesiologist comes in and asks me all the normal questions. He was standing there apprising me and asks me "do you think you can walk up two flights of stairs without becoming short of breath?". Now, I'm certain this is a normal question, but for some reason, it quite pissed me off. When i told the story at dinner last night the boys wondered if I replied with a "yes, can you?" or a "I swam 2 miles last night and ran 6 on Sunday" . . . but, no- I was nice and just said, yes. The thing is, you don't want to antagonize the man responsible for your comfort during surgery.

on the other hand, a sweet comment. During recovery the nurse said "do you have little ones to take care of at home?" what? and she repeated her question. I laughed and said, have you checked my age? my youngest is 20. She smiled and said "you don't look your age"

she, made my day.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

two days in a row!

I haven't much to say, but wanted to stay on a roll.
I'm slowly but surely cleaning up the old blog- I removed that years old picture of myself in front of the white house- my hair was a hideous chlorine infused blond and i was also a good 30 pounds heavier than the new, improved, dark haired me!

Next will be to clean up the side panel, including the what I'm reading section.

I just finished Ken Follet's book (as you know) and have moved on to yet another plague inspired book- more on that later!
back to work! I just wanted to be sure to put fingers to keyboard in this venue today!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Viva Las Vegas

Some people come for the shows, others for the food, some to gamble, go to a spa or a combination of all. I come to relax and do very little. I packed my 1000 plus page book having read about 400 pages before the trip. I also packed my new green polka dot bikini, and of course my work out clothes.
Our room was a magnificent suite- it contained a bar, a living room, a dining area, a bedroom and a bathroom which was bigger than a NYC apartment.
Shortly after arrival I whipped out my book and set to work. It was slightly sunny, but certainly not bikini weather. Off to the pool, bundled in some towels I started digesting my cheery book (kidding) set in the late middle ages. The book, Ken Follets follow up to his masterpiece "Pillars of the Earth", is an equally engaging story. I found myself reading whenever possible and nearly finished the book before our trip to the airport this afternoon.
Located in the Mirage is the studio of Kim Vo- master hair colorist. I wonder how much it would cost to have my hair colored there? Definitely I had grey peaking out at the top, temples and framing the face. Well, I didn't need to ask because- ta-da- yes- I packed a box of my go to "medium brown" by Revlon- 10 minutes later my hair was restored to it's look of 20 years ago, and for a lot less money. I wondered what the housekeepers thought when they cleaned the bathroom and saw my discarded box of hair coloring? The probably shook their heads and thought "trailer trash"
And so yesterday was spent working out- eating out- and of course, reading.
Today we had lovely sun and so on went the polka dot bikini- A couple of hours outside got me close to the end of the book and a little color obtained on my winter white skin.
As I write this we are stuck in the Las Vegas airport due to weather delays at home.
I don't care- it gives me a little longer to finish my book, catch up on emails and savor the memories of a wonderful get away!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goals and resolutions . . .

well, I haven't made many resolutions for the new year.
Yes- finally make goal weight- MY GOD when will that happen? I take two steps forward and three back! I've considered changing my goal so many times and then Kyle calming said . . . "do you expect the finish line to change in a marathon?" . . . arghhhhhhhh I hate common sense.

New goals for 2010 . . .
A combined swimming/running total of 1000 miles . . . is it extreme? maybe.
doable? perhaps?
is my my goal? HELL YES
wish me luck and stay tuned!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Barbie, meet Fred

I've been a bad blogger. My new friend facebook takes all my free internet time. I apologize to all four of my readers and hope that I can return to this format a bit more often.
That said, this is what is on my mind.
I have hideous feet.
Not only are they not a pleasure to look at (whose feet are) but they cause pain and difficulty to get around on. I joked recently (on facebook) that if Barbie married Fred and had children, they would have my feet. Look at poor Barbies tootsies. She has a front and a back and no arch that touches the ground- I have the SAME foot- although mine aren't plastic. Next, let's look at Fred. He is happy because he doesn't have to go shopping to try to find shoes to stuff those fat little sausages into . . . arghhh....

Well, the problem isn't so much with daily wear shoes. You sit and get off your feet often enough that pain isn't an issue. The problem has developed as I'm training for this 1/2 marathon in February. As my mileage increases, so does my pain. Almost 2 weeks ago I went to a local merchant who, after careful consideration, decided my best bet was the Asics cumulus 8 Wide. It of course, needed to be special ordered. So- I left the store fully expecting my special order to arrive in about 10 days. On the expected day I strode into the store to find out the shoe hadn't even been ordered yet "so sorry" . . . ARGHHHHH. A couple of phone calls later I located a store with the shoe in stock and to top it off, I had a 10% coupon for that day!

Today was my first day in this shoe "perfect for my foot" (according to the dude who never ordered the damn thing). My run today was 9 miles. At the 6 mile marker I had to sit, remove my shoe, massage my toes and convince myself to finish. I did, but man I was hurting. I returned the shoe- worried they wouldn't take it back. Not only did they take it back, but a lovely young man spent a ton of time helping me find a solution to my problem. And the verdict? A mans shoe, wider throughout and that sort of prehistoric fit I needed.

I'm not entirely sure that this is the solution- I'll know more after my next run.
If so- I'm going to need a bedazzler though so I can make these butch things a bit more feminine!

By the way, Sportsbasement ROCKS!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turkey Trotting

Thanksgiving morning I had signed Randy, Kyle, Amy and myself up to do the 34th Annual "Turkey Trot" in Walnut Creek. Having a planned event to train for is motivational- even though this is a far cry from the 1/2 marathon distance I am ultimately aiming for. Regardless I thought it would be fun to do and collecting another race tee shirt is always fun. The plan was to get up and out of here by about 7:20, pick up Amy and get to Walnut Creek well ahead of the 8:15 start time. Randy woke up, as usual, long before the alarm clock and was off to get his daily Starbucks fix. When the alarm went off I jumped up, dressed and then went to wake Kyle. Randy still wasn't home from Starbucks which is only about 2 1/2 miles away from the house. The time was drawing nearer that we were supposed to already to at Amy's to pick her up . . . still no Randy. Within a few minutes he came through the door and quickly dressed for the race. As we were leaving to go to Amy's he tried to explain why he was late. It seems a pack (herd, gaggle?) of turkey's was on Stone Valley Road. They are not daunted by traffic and were remaining in the road. One turkey actually had the audacity to engage Randy in a game of Chicken- the turkey flew out of the way as Randy got close enough to hit him. Randy's story was funny but Kyle wasn't particularly amused as his girlfriend was the person made waiting by our lateness. As we traveled down Stone Valley towards Amy's that same gang (or club) of turkeys was still impeding traffic. Now even Kyle had to smile- my goodness this is a stupid bird. And by the way, they don't trot, they slowly saunter out of the traffic lanes, but do so in a single file procession. . . maddening.

We made it to the race in plenty of time and all beat our previous 5K times. I finally conquered the 30 minute race time coming in below. Turkey's aside, it was a fantastic morning. I felt even less pity for the bird on our table that evening . . .

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

this may give you a chuckle

to my faithful readers . . . (all four of you)
I have so much to catch you up on, but will start with a short story about what happened to me this morning.

I have resumed my "running" career. Running may be overstating it by quite a lot. Jogging or bouncy walking is probably more accurate. I'm horrifically slow, but can only get better, right? To assist me in this quest I've found all kinds of technological wonders. It started with my new pink Ironman watch. The watch syncs up with my Ipod which I can control through the watch- Brilliant! Passersby likely think I'm quite fixated on my times when in reality I'm searching for songs or adjusting volume! My next find came from a recommendation of one of the MD's at work. This is a Nike-ipod gizmo which was supposed to work as a pedometer- you can sync it online and keep a record of your runs. And then finally Ashley told me about a free ap on my iPhone "mapyourrun" which I tried out concurrently today with the nike-ipod thing. To make a long story short, I hadn't calibrated the Nike-ipod thing properly so that was a bust, but the iPhone ap was brilliant. At the conclusion of the run, but before I was home (I walk a bit to cool down) I removed my headset to unhook everything. Just as I removed my head set I heard what sounded like an older woman crying "help me". Yikkes, where was that coming from? I quickly stuffed everything into my pocket and traced the sounds of the cries "help me, help me" she continued to cry. I ran through a bit of private property, quite nervous about what awaited me . . . I got to the back of the property to find the old lady there, standing and chewing grass.
It was a Nanny Goat bleating out "help me"

She had the last laugh- I felt rather ridiculous- I retraced my steps thankful that my neighbor wasn't home to observe me crashing through his property. I'm wondering what she was thinking . . .

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

apologies and more to come. . .

my goodness my blogging license should be revoked, I've been so "absent" these past 6 months or more.
I finished my triathlon on Saturday with a respectable, yet not too impressive time. Kyle was there and took no less than 80 pictures of me! Tomorrow he promises to download software onto my computer which will allow conversion of these gems to jpeg which is a much more publishing friendly extension.
till then I'll give you a little narrative.

Friday night after work I had a quick bite (Randy was in Tahoe so it was a night alone) and then decided to get totally organized. Kyle had lifted my bike into the Expedition the night before so all I had to do was collect all my other gear. Swim cap and goggles, bike shoes, helmet, teeshirt and number, sunglasses and running shoes- hat if I could find one to fit my enormous head. It took a little time but before long all was collected and bagged along with towels, a footwash basin, water etc. In my nervous nellie phase I put the key in the ignition to "make sure" the car would start . . . don't you know, it didn't! SWEAR WORD.

Picture this now- Randy is in Tahoe, Kyle is out and what am I to do? I have a portable charger for just this occasion. Hooked it up (using a flash light because by now it is totally dark) and , drum roll please, this is dead too! Now, do I try to jump the Exped using my little Miata and possibly draining that battery? HELL NO.
Instead I move everything over to the Miata. How does my bike fit? Top down and crammed into the seat with the wheel sticking up in the back, that's how.

Off to bed . . . lots of very bad dreams about how the race will go.

Up and at em (sort of) at 5:45 am. (prime sleeping time) and on the road by 6:00am. Kristi and I arrive within moments of each other and we are off to find a perfect staging area. Time evaporates and before we know it, it's time to line up to begin the swim wave. I stick to the front/center of the pack knowing I can stay ahead of the crew behind me. Into the water (murky,dirty and full of fowl feces) we run and off we go. Now, swimming SHOULD be my strongest leg- for the first time ever I have a mild panic attack. I can't breathe, there are people ALL AROUND me, oh dear. I sprint out a little, flip on my back and swim 90% of the event on my back! Despite my unorthodox approach my swim time is slightly faster than last year. Out of the pond, a quick shoe and shirt application and off we go on the bike segment.

Oops . . . I forgot to make sure the bike was in the lowest gear before I took off. The bike portion begins with freakin hill that I cant get up. I'm starting to get nervous when Kyle runs up and helps me gear down. Okay, I wasted a couple of minutes there. The first 1/3 of the ride was uneventful- then my chain came off. Calmly I stop, fix and restart. About the 2/3 mark it happens again. DAMN I'm losing time on the bike instead of gaining as I had hoped! Back to the park, sneakers on- off to the run.

I ran the WHOLE run this time, excepting two hills I walked up, each about 25 yards. So, why is my run time SLOWER than last year? My guess is that I didn't complete the whole run last year as one loop was totally new to me this year! Regardless I only added about one minute (which isn't bad as I also added about .25-.50 miles!

My overall time was 45 seconds faster than last year.
Next year, I'm going to make that even better . . . just wish I didn't have to wait until next September to give this a go again!

pictures will follow, just wanted you to know how it went!