as with many good intentions . . .my ability to "keep up" with my blog has been dismal.
I think about this daily- I have brilliant ideas to share (okay, maybe not brilliant, but ideas to be sure) but then the day concludes and still no post.
I can't nag Ashley about her lack of posting if I'm also negligent, can I? and, let's face it, we would MUCH rather be hearing from Ashley than me!
so this will be short- but sweet.
I've lost (to date) 24#
I've found the ability to wear my wedding ring.
I've lost my insecurity in my workout 2 piece
I've found (besides a great belly tan) more confidence.
I've lost (or rather put aside) some Capri pants that fall off when I wear them.
I've found my clavicle. (collar bone which was hidden by a bit of FAT)
I could go on, but you get the picture.
I still have a ways to go- but I'm firmly on the right track.
Now, i can badger Ashley without guilt.
I've "found" the ability to badger.