I was with my friend this weekend who has just completed her weight loss goal of 75 pounds. Isn't that remarkable? As she puts it, "a small fifth grade child". We wondered out loud, where does that weight go?
so, out of curiosity, I did a little research and this is what I found:
When you consume fewer calories than your body needs, your body turns to fat for energy. Body fat is broken down through a series of complex metabolic processes. Your body uses the energy produced by these processes. The waste products from these processes are water and carbon dioxide. You excrete water primarily through urine and sweat, and carbon dioxide by exhaling.
This evening when I was swimming I had to exit the pool twice during my swim to use the ladies room . . . while swimming I wondered to myself, could I actually be losing weight here?
then I let reality sink in . . .I swallow a heck of a lotta water on those damn flip turns, I'm just getting rid of what I'm taking in!
Haha I love that you looked into the scientific explanation of losing weight...
Now I'm going to notice how many times people DON'T exit the pool during their marathon swims.... I hope all you're taking in is water!
And yes, I notice when people leave the washroom without washing their hands.
Wow. # 1 Good research.
# 2 Felix said a mouthful there.
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