Monday, March 10, 2008

A massive missive . . .

which is what you are owed. Still busy with house company but that time is quickly ending and much to my chagrin Leila goes back to Bangkok on Thursday.

What a time we are having though!
Living up to my self given nickname "last minute Linda" I waited until Thursday to renew my drivers licence. It expires tomorrow and true to form, I waited till the end to do something about the renewal notice given 2 months ago. I guess they realized I had been toting around the same picture for the last 15 years and it barely resembles me, time for a new hideous photo op! DMV has vastly improved it's system of service and my fears of line standing were essentially unfounded. In and out in about 25 minutes- now I just dread opening the envelope with the new picture in it . . .

After the DMV escapade I accompanied Leila to Ann Taylor Loft, one of her favorite shops in Walnut Creek. Now, if you don't know me well, one thing you should know . . . I HATE SHOPPING! Begrudgingly I went in and came out with a few items (which will please Ashley who generously had given me a gift certificate there) I did tell Leila though that turnaround is fair play and now she owed me a swim! she promised to make good on that Saturday

Friday our book club met to enjoy some Thai cuisine provided by my house guest . . .good time, yummy food!

Saturday was another retail day followed by the promised swim. We had a great time at the pool and she paddled happily back and forth as I did my work out. Leila admitted that people watching was part of the attraction (I've told you about some of the pool people). Saturday night was a birthday party thrown for a friends 80 year old parents. Excellent food and company, my highlight was finding out that Ken, celebrating his 80th, shares my birthday!

Yesterday we rose to another glorious day and had a wonderful Mt. Diablo hike.
It was a great group of ladies (7 of us) who took one of our favorite loops and enjoyed great company and the beautiful green hills and emergence of little wildflowers. When Leila lived here this was one of our regular walks and it was fun to do it again, with such a nice group. I've forgotten how much I love hiking the mountain! After the hike it was back to the house for Thai food left overs and then Leila went her way as I went to the pool. The pool was incredibly crowded and I ended up sharing the lane with several women, one who wore super long fins that she whacked me with each time I passed her. "ouch" and "hurumph"!

I've been negligent (last week) on my swim update. Year to date total is now 69.89 miles. My turns are good and come easily. They are a lifesaver on busy days at the pool as people are reluctant to enter your lane if you appear to know what you are doing- (this obviously didn't stop Mrs. big flipper) .

well, I believe I have sufficiently bored you for now.
I'm off to enjoy the last day of my 40's!


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday tomorrow and a great feast at Forbes Mill. Great job on your swimming accomplishments this year. I'm proud of you! Enjoy your big day tomorrow. Imagine that you and I met only 33 years ago. Wow! how time passes when your having fun. How about condo shopping this weekend. Sounds like more fun.
Love, Randy

Ashley said...

Happy Happy Birthday Mom!!! Sounds like you are having a splendid time with Leila, I'm jealous of your Mt. Diablo hikes and authentic Thai food. Condo shopping?! Well, if you guys are suddenly going to book a flight to Kauai, let me know because I'm sure as hell coming along!

Lore said...

Welcome to the second half of the century. That sounds heavy but it isn't so bad. Have a happy birthday. We are looking forward to Saturday when we can celebrate it with you. Thank you for being there and making us the great family we are. Much love, Mom

Anonymous said...

I agree with all previous comments, my moto is "let the others do the work" and ride along on the coat tail. Happy birthday, Linda, I hope you have a great one, see you Saturday.