Well, we are here! It's the annual Randy and Linda boondoggle to Las Vegas.
We left this morning bright and early, arrived to "breezy" conditions and made our way to the MGM where we booked a room with our airfare. When registering they had us in a room with 2 queen beds . . . ummmm, any kings available? Well, we paid a tiny upgrade fee and we are situated in a nice King Suite, the place is huge, like two rooms smashed together with a living room and bedroom- cool, big enough to comfortably house the Harrell 5. The bathroom is double sized too . . . living large. Randy started his "gaming" and I headed out to the pool to sit in the shade and read. I've nearly finished my book club book and listened to a bit of a book on tape on my IPOD, nice afternoon. After this we walked over one mile to the Treasure Island where we had been comped a room. Along with the room Randy got $150 for gaming and we got dinner. We checked into that room and when Randy played with his 150 I took a nap. After dinner we headed back here and now are both pretty pooped.
One thing I've noticed since I've been here. . .and since they say a picture is worth a thousand words, here you go.
America, or at least those who go to Las Vegas, is fat. I may add that fat isn't even the appropriate term, rather morbidly obese. As we were walking to dinner I said to Randy I'd love to photograph all these people for my blog, but that isn't likely appropriate. It does make you rethink your dining choices though. I admit, it didn't keep me from the creme brulee' after dinner though!
Okay, more later . . .send Randy some good gambling mo-jo. Me, I'll stick to books on the pool deck.
Good luck. Come home with a lot of the green. Mom
And you thought people just came here for the gambling. Now you know it's the food! People love buffets. The more you eat the better you feel about losing money. Yo eleven!
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