Wednesday, July 30, 2008

a broken thermostat?

Heating and cooling . . it's amazing how temperature control can affect our lives!
Just recently we replaced our entire heating and cooling system in the house. Naturally, since it's been replaced, we haven't had to use it but are waiting in happy anticipation of our next heat wave. Along with the new system came snazzy new thermostats- I haven't had time yet to figure out the bells and whistles, but I will eventually.

Our nearly new refrigerator is having problems with temperature control. It cools too much, freezing parts of the unit and impeding flow of water through the chilled dispenser. I did my own "repair" the other day by blow drying the water line but today it's frozen again. Looks like it's time for the refrigerator repair guy to come back.

On the other end of the temperature spectrum, my own thermostat is keeping my body VERY warm at times (aka, hot flashes) These are neither pleasant, comfortable or amusing AND I don't think there is a repair available.


Lore said...

Congratulations on your new phase in life. No there is no repair and medical interventions have consequences, so, just laugh at yourself and muddle through. In the long run you are better off. I am looking forward to experiencing you air conditioning. Mom

Anonymous said...

My hot flash this week is 104 degree temp in Clovis. At least I can sit in the shade of an umbrella! Stay cool.