I know I'm getting ready for a triathlon but haven't managed to experience more than two of the events on the same day during "training". Mind you training has largely subsisted of me swimming, and not fast I may add. Time at the pool for me is part visiting, part meditation, mindless laps as I listen to my swimp3 player (best invention EVER) which all combines to an hour (or more) of a fantastic recuperative experience.
Thanks in part to my two live in coaches (Randy and Kyle) I've been getting my butt away from the pool and starting to focus on the other events- which has totally messed with my swim mileage- but has made getting ready for the triathlon much more real. Running is steadily improving. Today Randy and I went out together and ran the first 1.52 miles and then did the return walking. Tuesday he and I took the bikes to Bollinger Canyon where we set off for a ride. Now, remember please how "warm" it was last week. We parked the truck, took out the bikes, fussed with the seat, lost (temporarily) the tool box key and then were off. I was so very nervous. The ride I discovered was ALL uphill to start. Between the heat, the hill, and my anxiety I realized that I probably hadn't thoroughly considered what I had signed up for. MY GOODNESS, the riding was hard. I complained to Randy and wondered what had become to the woman who had previously ridden 100 miles one day and then went out for another ride the second day? I was panting, sweating, white knuckle gripping the handles. Finally I said to Randy, ENOUGH. I wanted to cry- I probably had only gone a mile or so. Around we turned and started back. He was right, the ride back was entirely downhill. The sweat dried, the legs relaxed, I got going a bit faster than was comfortable. . . it was magnificent. By this point the endorphins had come in to wipe out the memory of the beginning.
After we drove the truck up to see how far we had ridden, actually we had gone 2.7 miles uphill and were within about 1/2 mile of the end of the road. A goal for another day.
Today I got a proper bottle holder for my bike and sunglasses to wear while riding.
Tomorrow we set off again.
with the help of my coaches and best supporters . . . I may actually be able to finish this thing!
I have no doubt that you will finish and feel fine afterwards. YOU CAN DOOOIIIT! Every morning on Kauai we will run and at least twice rent bikes to ride. Your on your own for open water ocean swimming though. Randy Phelps Harrell is too busy playing golf.
After all that I am pooped. I admire your determination. Mom
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