When I'm at work many times I deal with people misunderstanding who I am.
Usually it is due to a language barrier, many of my ESL patients assume I'm a Doctor and insist on calling me "Doctor". It occasionally happens with even my very educated English speaking clients. I gently try to correct the impression, but generally this is jammed into their brain and they won't let it go. This particular mistake is slightly uncomfortable, but not as annoying as the folks who totally change my title.
For clarification. I'm an RN, a IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant)
at work we just shorten it to LC or lactation consultant.
Lots of patients call me the "lactationer" okay, I'll let that one go.
I've heard "La' tishner" or "Lactator" (sadly, that stopped some 18 years ago)
but today was the best yet. A lady called and sweetly asked, "are you the lactose consultant?"
I didn't have the heart to tell her that no, I did not consult on milk sugar issues.
It's never too late. What does it take to add that to your title? Dr. sounds good too. Just tell your employer: people see that in you and call you doctor: How about the pay going with that title?
Dr. Linda, I have a concern about lactification. My wife Laura has tried to breast feed small armadillos in Texas now that we're retired and she's having problems with milk production. If you can help the Bush/Armadillo problem that would be wonderfultrificous. I'm not sure that is a work but maybe. thanks in advance, George and Laura
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