The only exercise I've been able to get since my surgery has been an unfortunate bit of jumping to conclusions.
let me explain.
when I started my blog I had a few faithful readers and comment leavers (as Ash says, blogments). I'm not certain who still reads of those few, I know my Mom is there, and so is my daughter but those two aside, I'm not sure who actually looks at this digital diary.
Several posts ago I started getting comments in some sort of Asian language. Of course, I'm unfamiliar with any such language so I couldn't guess if they were Chinese, Japanese, Korean or any other language which uses characters. Without investigation i simply deleted these comments- ASSUMING that they were some sort of commercial for male enhancement or Viagra. Tonight I got another of these comments on my previous post. again, I deleted it as soon as I saw it. I had just completed this permanent action when Kyle got home and cleverly tried to translate the text online. We aren't entirely sure what the text said, but it was something supportive and kind. I immediately felt like a huge schmuck.
In my mind I am picturing a very kind man or woman, patiently reading through my ridiculous rants and verbiage, writing what likely were thoughtful remarks only to have them immediately removed by a suspicious "conclusion jumper"
please, whoever you are, accept my genuine apology and profound THANK YOU for hanging in there.
Well, today I will comment in english and tell you; hang in there and get back to normal so you can do real exercising again. Oh, what the heck; Gute Besserung. Mom
etgay etterbay
Good fill someone in on and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you as your information.
That is the power of the web.
You don't know who is reading and and appreciating the articles, with a nod of the head.
Some do jot down a few comments at times.
Could we ever think of this happening say about 30 or 40 years ago?
At the best a snail mail to a selected few.
I could definitely translate those asian comments for you if you'd like me to :)
and hang in there! My grandma used to tell me "Live life, and regret nothing; share with others what you have and the same shall be done to you; trust, and you shall believe." so you would definitely definitely be okay! :)
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