Thursday, February 28, 2008

getting lazy . . .

I was so good at staying current, I don't know what happened, but I do apologize.
I have a pretty good excuse lately though, Leila is home from Bangkok and is staying here for just over 2 weeks. additionally, work has been busy for me and even on my days off I've had to either call in for phone meetings or drive in to Oakland for all day regional meetings. Who thought that a clinical provider would have to meet so much?

In fact there is another phone in meeting today at 2 but I'm feeling the sirens call of the chlorine luring me to the pool for a swim in the sun . . . . that will probably win out!

Tomorrow Leila and I head south to spend some time with Travis in Santa Barbara. So, I'll update after I return from my trip, hopefully with pictures to post as well.
Next week are the big Ohio and Texas primaries . . .my guy is doing well, so exciting!
enjoy the sun, soak in some vitamin D!

Sunday, February 24, 2008

quick update

I can't believe it's Sunday already, I'm not quite sure where the week disappeared to, but here is the mileage update.
Today I reached 54.72 miles for the year. At this pace I'm quite surely going to make the goal of 300 miles. This week added just over 8 miles, which is a nice pace I'm happy with.

Swimming this weekend was weird. Yesterday, though rain threatened, the swim was dry (ambient weather of course) . . . cold, but dry- there were only about 6 people occupying all 20 something lanes. Today, stormy and cold, the pool was packed, at least two to a lane. I shared with one of the "large" ladies who cover their faces with zinc oxide. It's a little trick they picked up from the synchronized swimmers (who I affectionately call the aquatards) . .. . I know, not nice. This is a nice, but slow lady who I was able to lap on alternate laps.

This afternoon was a birthday dinner for Hannah and Opa and then once everyone left the EBAY processing plant opened and I prepared, and then shipped 10 items. Now a little TV with Kyle then off to bed to finish my book.

Happy new Week!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

miscalculations . . .

Isn't it frustrating when you make a plan, follow the plan and then discover you had a flaw in your plan?
let me explain . . .
I have a friend at the pool, Amy (real name, not a nickname given by me)who is a masters swimmer. At the end of 2007 she gave me a link to a software program which would log my swims, and keep cool graphs and pie charts indicating progress as I swim toward that 300 mile goal Randy helped me set. Well twice in the past week I've miscalculated how many laps I needed to reach a goal. On Monday, enjoying the sunshine I swam 3200 Meters- in my mind I thought I had safely hit 2 miles- "sorry" said my program, this is 1.99 miles. arghhhhhhhh
Today, although not sunny, the pool was completely uncrowded and delightfully warm. I hit one mile easily and thought, hmmm, just a bit more. Well, I went a total of 3400 yards and thought, now this certainly is 2 miles . . . for the record- not so much- again with the 1.99 miles. double arghhhh.

The upside is, I'm still on track and now know for sure that 3400 yards needs just a scoosh more to push it over. My shoulder is barking so loudly right now that I'm probably going back to the shorter swims this weekend.
side note: I probably would have even stayed in the water longer but "creepy guy" got into the lane next to me and wanted to chat. EWWWWWWW. This is when my new mad skills of flip turns kept me safe. As I was exiting the pool he asked if I had a good swim, "yes" I answered. "Are you Sue?" he asked. "No" was my reply. "Nancy?" . . . yikkes what is this guy doing, going through the name book from the 50's? "again, no" was all I could say, did a quick turn (on my heel as I am now on deck) and walked away. . . . shuddering.

In other news. Does anyone else out there love a bargain as much as me?
I was cruising the aisles at Target' the other day when I came upon some Christmas or winter themed apparel. I bought Ashley a night shirt and a couple of pairs of underwear at about 90% off the original price. I mailed them immediately and she called to thank me and comment she would wear the nightshirt to bed that night . . . and to work the next day. I was happy to be able to contribute to her work wardrobe. (you do know she works from home, right?)

Sunday, February 17, 2008

annoyances and solutions. . .

Happy Sunday!

I just returned from the pool and a quick trip into Target'

First off, year to date swim total is . . . .drumroll please . . . 46.49 miles. I wasn't able to add to my total significantly this week due to that strange bug but according to my spreadsheet am still on target to finish the year at 300 miles (goal). Hopefully I can get good swims in tomorrow and Tuesday to keep things going!

And now on to my annoyances, and my solutions.

Both yesterday and today the pool has been set to long course. What this means is that instead of swimming the "short" way in the pool 25 yards, it is set to "long" 50 meters. Naturally this means there are less lanes available and you share with one or more people and swim in a circle, always staying right (as if driving). That said today when one of my pool friends left I briefly had the lane to myself. I set off to the other side and felt a large amount of thrashing in front of me, I put my head up to see a rather large woman (new nickname, Large Marge) who was doing aquasize in the MIDDLE of the lane. I tried to duck and weave around her and managed finally to get around, I turned my head to give her a little stink eye (through goggles) and there she was GIVING ME THE EYE! I was so annoyed that I did a perfectly executed flip turn and swam right past her again. (had I mentioned that I have mastered the turn?) anyhow, the next 1000 meters meant swimming around her (no easy feat) and once finished I was anxious to find out when the pool would be returning to short course.

Second annoyance, and maybe this happens to you to. I was at Target, ran in for dogfood and toilet paper and had just finished returning my cart to the cart corral after loading the trunk when the couple beside me finished loading their car. Once finished they put their cart beside my drivers door such that I was unable to get into my car. Hmmm, how do you respond to that? "oh, let me get that for you" was my response (insert HEAVY sarcasm here). "you don't need to" responded the heavily made up lady. "I do if I want to get into my car" I snapped. "That's nice" she replied (insincerely). "anything to make your day better" I replied flatly.
The bonus here? I got in the last word (always important) I was saying nice things (not meaning them) and I got the extra exercise walking that cart to the collection spot . . . judging by the backside of her, she seldom does anything extra.
Enjoy your Presidents Day- hopefully you don't have to work.

Friday, February 15, 2008

jumping to conclusions . . .

There is a wonderful expression used with medical students "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras" . . . why was it then that I heard the hoofbeats the other day I immediately saw zebras? Sometimes I do believe that the best exercise I get is jumping to conclusions.

Go back a couple of days to my admission of life changes (okay, we can say it out loud . . menopause) I had what I thought were hot flashes, I had headaches, I was soooo tired (presumably from interrupted sleep) - which coincidentaly can be called "menopausal insomnia" I had body aches, I just felt crappy. Given the time of year (winter) and where I work (pediatric clinic) the normal and intuitive person would have guessed flu or other virus- NOT ME . . .I looked at the calendar, noticed my impending birthday and ASSumed that it must be menopause. Well, fast forward a couple of days. I became so uncomfortable and undeniably ill that it was obvious that my symptoms were not some thrust into next stage but rather related to current state viral infection. And, to prove a point, Captain Obvious reported on the news today that "even if you have been vaccinated, you can contract some form of flu this year" thanks . . . figured that one out . . . FINALLY.
Given the above information I took some advil last night before bed. Here is a miracle . . NO HOT FLASHES (aka fever) I slept like a log (do they really sleep?) and felt just a bit better today.
I stayed home from work, whined just a bit, still haven't had a swim, but am definitely on the mend. I'm optomistic about the weekend. Looking forward to another goodnights sleep (advil before bed) Randy has Saturday off after all and we may get a dinner out tomorrow as I spoiled his Valentines plans with my virus. Either way I'm feeling better about everything and am officially postponing my voyage into menopause. . . that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
have a spectacular weekend!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Happy Valentines Day!

an early wish to you!
depending on where you are relationship wise reflects how you feel about Valentines Day.

I remember when Ashley was in college she and her friends had a F*&^% Valentines Day party for all the single folk. . . sounds about right. If you aren't involved in a relationship, or budding relationship who wants to see all the sappy commercials on TV or watch people in public fawning over each other? and where the heck did this holiday come from? it is really a "Hallmark holiday" as so many (single) people say?

I've done research (so you don't have to) and this is what I found.

There are varying opinions as to the origin of Valentine's Day. Some experts state that it originated from St. Valentine, a Roman who was martyred for refusing to give up Christianity. He died on February 14, 269 A.D., the same day that had been devoted to love lotteries. Legend also says that St. Valentine left a farewell note for the jailer's daughter, who had become his friend, and signed it "From Your Valentine". Other aspects of the story say that Saint Valentine served as a priest at the temple during the reign of Emperor Claudius. Claudius then had Valentine jailed for defying him. In 496 A.D. Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honour St. Valentine.
Gradually, February 14 became the date for exchanging love messages and St. Valentine became the patron saint of lovers. The date was marked by sending poems and simple gifts such as flowers. There was often a social gathering or a ball.
In the United States, Miss Esther Howland is given credit for sending the first valentine cards. Commercial valentines were introduced in the 1800's and now the date is very commercialised.
So, all that being said, what are your plans?
again I suppose it depends on where you are relationship wise.
a new relationship? so exciting . . . as long as you acknowledge the day you can't go wrong here.
small children in the house? give the lady a break, make dinner or order in, take care of the kids so she can have a bubble bath and maybe go to bed early. (compliment her)
older children? make dinner or take her out so she doesn't need to cook. (be sure to compliment her)
empty nesters? same as all above . . have fun- she will compliment you!
** might I just add here that I have a wonderful Valentine, always remembers and always plans something**
stay tuned for celebration hints for Presidents day.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

disjointed thinking

I haven't been able to shake the cobwebs out of my head lately and come up with any good blog topics so today it's just a little potpourri if you will and some updates.

1. Flip turns: these are progressing moderately well. Last night I had horrible toe cramps which threatened to shorten my swim but I hung in there and made more than 50% of my turns gymnastic events! I'm leaving in about 1/2 hour for today's adventure at the pool, wish me luck!

2. String theory, next measurment. I finally took some yarn out today and did the next measurments. Suprisingly the newest strings add up to about 5-6 inches less than the originals. yipeee.

3. Shelf life. Does your body have a shelf life? I'm not happy to find that as I near my 50th birthday my body has decided that it's time to start the break down. I must add here that by "breakdown" I mean start giving me signals that things are "changing" I've been having more frequent headaches, disjointed thinking, interrupted sleep and what I finally recognized yesterday as hotflashes . . . arghhhhhhh guess you know what that means . . . . it's official, I'm becoming a crone.
4. Well this "hag" is going to put on her bathing suit and hit the pool. I challenge any other old crone out there to do the same! Eat my bubbles.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Sunday evening

It's Sunday, and as a "regular reader" you know what we do today. Swim updates!
To date I'm now at 40.17 miles. And dear reader today I made at least 50 successful flip turns (probably more, but better to impress you slowly)
Now, I know I'm not going to be confused with any good swimmer, and certainly don't resemble a porpoise or seal (still manatee) but things are looking up!
I did swallow an inordinate amount of water today, and my tummy is sort of not happy with me but the joy of the accomplishment supercedes any discomfort!
This is short and sweet as I still have dinner to make and laundry to do. The whole computer debacle (read below) interfered with my normal weekend activities. I am happy to report though that all is essentially back to normal. Couldn't find my Office 2003 disk so it's back to Office 97- not a great alternative, but better than nothing for now!
Have a spectacular week!

Saturday, February 9, 2008

technology, at a price . . .

Yesterday I got home from work to have Kyle tell me that "my" computer was acting strangely. Before we set off for dinner I decided to run a virus scan. (mind you, I have it set to run each and every Friday evening anyhow) regardless, we set it going and when we left I noticed that already two Trojan's had been detected. ARGHHHHH these are the MOST frustrating buggers to deal with. But, two won't be that bad!

To dinner we go, and have a delightful dinner and three way conversation. When we return home we venture into the den to see the progress of the scan . . . now get ready . . . 8, 631 Trojans on my computer! OMG! I didn't quite know how to react. Then I waited (another 12 hours) as the program tried to clean, delete or quarantine the files. Guess what? those f&*(^ were busy procreating the whole damn time and I could never get to the root of the issue. So, here we are 24 hours later. I've had to totally reformat my computer and now am in the long and laborious process of reinstalling all my necessary software.

There in lies the rub. To know me is to accept me for not being horribly organized. I can't find my Office CD's and consequently can't put WORD , EXCEL etc onto the computer. Most of my files are then inaccessable and Kyle can't work on a paper due soon. If I could only get my hands on the pimply kid responsible for these Trojans . . . he's going to wish his dad had used another kind of Trojan.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

it's all in the name

Do you know the name of your postman? How about your neighbor, around the corner whose house you pass as you walk and each day you wave? What about the guy who swims in the lane next to your most often on Monday and Wednesday evenings? (Okay, that's mine) anyhow, this is about how good are you or we as a society, of recognizing people on the periphery of our lives by name.
I'm HORRIBLE with names. Numbers, I'm great. If you were to introduce yourself with your phone number or address we would be good but names, I'm terrible. What's worse is I meet new people so frequently I should develop a better system. Each time I have a new patient, I usually have at least two- Baby and Mom, then of course sometimes Dad tags along. Those people have one name to remember (me) and I give them lots of paper work with my name plastered all over it, I have three to remember and I do it poorly. Also at work I have made it a priority to learn and remember names of people around me. These aren't necessarily "colleagues" but for instance the housekeeper (Gwen) who I rely upon to set up the conference room for my weekly group, or the fellow who delivers mail (Rueben), and the guy who brings me fresh lab coats (Carlos). Calling people by name makes everyone feel better, of this I'm sure- and, I seldom have problems with my room, my mail, or my lab coats (but others do).

When I don't know someone’s name, but see them frequently I give them a nickname. I don't say the nickname aloud, but just in my head. Most time the nickname is two parts, physical description (size, sex etc) and then some sort of verb, adjective or adverb. Example: when I started swimming at Heather Farms there was a fellow who came Tuesday/Thursday afternoons who I called "walking guy". He would run or walk his laps instead of swimming. Other pool regulars are "sunscreen face" (a lady who covers her face in zinc oxide) "swimming judge" who used to be "reading guy" A man who I have found to be a retired judge (although I still don't know his proper name. There are also "cocky idiot 1 and 2" two guys who’s names very well describe them and finally "Gary”. Gary is a name that fits this guy, I have no idea of his real name, and this just suits him in my head. I do have friends at the pool that I know by proper name, Carol, Vlaska, Helena, Michelle, Amy, Tony, and Eric (who I used to call Tattoo guy). The funny part of this is one evening I was chatting with Tattoo guy and he introduced himself as Eric (last name Pharmaceutical rep) and while we were chatting another guy jumped into the conversation. I couldn't concentrate as he introduced himself as I kept thinking "That's walking guy" I told him the story and he laughed for the longest time, finally he requested I just call him that, he preferred Walking guy to his own name. . . wonder what his Mom would think about that?

I thought about this last night as I entered the pool just as my newest pool buddy "Australian guy" got there. We had a nice little two minute chat before he wished me "cheers" and set off on his swim. Nice guy, has a two year old son, but I don't know his name. . . that will be my next name to learn.
Well, I'm happy so happy to have sunshine today! Shortly I'm off to the pool to soak in some of that glorious sun, I'll be sure to give regards to "Idiots 1 and 2" "Gary" and any other regulars I see today!

Monday, February 4, 2008

against the odds

If you were have to bet on the NY Giants in the super bowl today you would be in your money house, counting all you money. For the past two weeks I've been secretely (or not so quietly) wishing that NY would win yesterday. Each time I expressed this notion it was dashed by the ney sayer who would comment that "Patriots will win". When the online betting started the Patriots were favored by 11.5 points. Lots of New Yorkers took that bet and are happy today!

So, now we roll into the next "super" and that is Super Tuesday. Online betting in California reads like this. Bet 8 on Mr. Obama and you get 11. Hillary is even money.

Well, I believed in the Giants and as you've heard many times over, this Mama is for Obama.

Keeping my fingers crossed that he beats the odds (and Hillary).

remember to vote tomorrow!

and by the way,
over the weekend the Republican party was doing some telephone surveying. Twice we got calls (becauase Randy is a registered Republican) and it was an automated system asking me to punch various buttons to answer the question, "if I was to vote in the Republican primary on Tuesday, who would I vote for" . Well, clearly they didn't want ME to respond, however I listened VERY carefully and not once did they ask for any person in particular or ask if I was indeed a Republican. That in mind, I answered the survey (twice) and both times gave my support to Ron Paul. . . . wonder what that does to the survey numbers?

Sunday, February 3, 2008

new kid on the block

I don't know about you but I live life mostly in my comfort zone.

I shop at the same grocery store regularly, use the same hairdresser (although that recently changed), watch certain shows on certain nights, you get the idea. One of my regular things is to swim at Heather Farms. Well, this weekend was a big meet hosted at the pool which left us "regular" swimmers fat out of luck. Yesterday I talked myself out of finding a place to swim because it was cold/cloudy and still raining (day 13) but today realized I had to get some exercise or my eating out of boredom and lack of sunshine was really going to kick me in the (fill in the blank).

Nervously I packed all my swim stuff and headed to Cal High in San Ramon to which I had purchased a 20 swim pass almost 4 months ago (and haven't used yet).

I got there and saw the parking lot totally empty! Wow, this was awesome, until I saw the tarps on the pool and realized it was closed. WHAT? The sign on the door directed swimmers to Dougherty Valley High School, about 5 miles east on Bollinger. As I was puzzling this over another man came to read the sign. "Oh, I was hoping for a swim" he remarked. I pointed out that DVHS was open for swimming, but I for one wasn't sure how to get there. "Follow me" he offered, "I've never swam there though" he voluntered, "I hate going to new pools" This man clearly spoke my language.

I followed him to the new pool and as we went in we split off in two different directions as we entered the pool. DVHS pool was about 82-84 degrees according to the lifegaurd which is much warmer than I am used to. It's also deep, no lanes are less than 7 feet deep and there is a large diving well which takes probably five or seven lanes.

The swim was okay- the water so much clearer than Heather Farms. The swimmers in adjacent lanes weren't any faster than me (which made me more comfortable) but since I was directly below the lifegaurd stand, it wasn't the right day to "practice" my turns.

So, putting on my big girls panties I was able to overcome that new kid feeling. It also helped knowing that someone else in that big pool felt the same!

Oh, year to date total: 31.59 miles. January's total was 30.46

and now, let's collectively say a sunshine prayer- PLEASE!
I know the rain is good, we need it, yada yada, I need some sun!

listening to Glen Hansard and Marketa Iglova from the Once soundtrack . . . . love it.