Isn't it frustrating when you make a plan, follow the plan and then discover you had a flaw in your plan?
let me explain . . .
I have a friend at the pool, Amy (real name, not a nickname given by me)who is a masters swimmer. At the end of 2007 she gave me a link to a software program which would log my swims, and keep cool graphs and pie charts indicating progress as I swim toward that 300 mile goal Randy helped me set. Well twice in the past week I've miscalculated how many laps I needed to reach a goal. On Monday, enjoying the sunshine I swam 3200 Meters- in my mind I thought I had safely hit 2 miles- "sorry" said my program, this is 1.99 miles. arghhhhhhhh
Today, although not sunny, the pool was completely uncrowded and delightfully warm. I hit one mile easily and thought, hmmm, just a bit more. Well, I went a total of 3400 yards and thought, now this certainly is 2 miles . . . for the record- not so much- again with the 1.99 miles. double arghhhh.
The upside is, I'm still on track and now know for sure that 3400 yards needs just a scoosh more to push it over. My shoulder is barking so loudly right now that I'm probably going back to the shorter swims this weekend.
side note: I probably would have even stayed in the water longer but "creepy guy" got into the lane next to me and wanted to chat. EWWWWWWW. This is when my new mad skills of flip turns kept me safe. As I was exiting the pool he asked if I had a good swim, "yes" I answered. "Are you Sue?" he asked. "No" was my reply. "Nancy?" . . . yikkes what is this guy doing, going through the name book from the 50's? "again, no" was all I could say, did a quick turn (on my heel as I am now on deck) and walked away. . . . shuddering.
In other news. Does anyone else out there love a bargain as much as me?
I was cruising the aisles at Target' the other day when I came upon some Christmas or winter themed apparel. I bought Ashley a night shirt and a couple of pairs of underwear at about 90% off the original price. I mailed them immediately and she called to thank me and comment she would wear the nightshirt to bed that night . . . and to work the next day. I was happy to be able to contribute to her work wardrobe. (you do know she works from home, right?)
With the new math that calculates to actually 2.00012 miles. Your good as gold.
Congratulation on your swim. Bargains, oh yes, I live for that. Mom
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