Saturday, February 9, 2008

technology, at a price . . .

Yesterday I got home from work to have Kyle tell me that "my" computer was acting strangely. Before we set off for dinner I decided to run a virus scan. (mind you, I have it set to run each and every Friday evening anyhow) regardless, we set it going and when we left I noticed that already two Trojan's had been detected. ARGHHHHH these are the MOST frustrating buggers to deal with. But, two won't be that bad!

To dinner we go, and have a delightful dinner and three way conversation. When we return home we venture into the den to see the progress of the scan . . . now get ready . . . 8, 631 Trojans on my computer! OMG! I didn't quite know how to react. Then I waited (another 12 hours) as the program tried to clean, delete or quarantine the files. Guess what? those f&*(^ were busy procreating the whole damn time and I could never get to the root of the issue. So, here we are 24 hours later. I've had to totally reformat my computer and now am in the long and laborious process of reinstalling all my necessary software.

There in lies the rub. To know me is to accept me for not being horribly organized. I can't find my Office CD's and consequently can't put WORD , EXCEL etc onto the computer. Most of my files are then inaccessable and Kyle can't work on a paper due soon. If I could only get my hands on the pimply kid responsible for these Trojans . . . he's going to wish his dad had used another kind of Trojan.


Anonymous said...

Goddamn USC.

Ashley said...

I love my mac.

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh...there is nothing, NOTHING, that fills my very being with terror and my stomach with knots more than the dreaded words, "Mom, the computer is acting funny". Yikes.

But I agree with Ashley, I do love my Mac, also. Mac's don't do Trojans....