Sunday, April 13, 2008

sunday, already?

Happy Sunday afternoon and welcome to my update. I wonder if it warm where you are? It's summer weather here!

As always, the week ends and I'm not entirely sure where it evaporated to. We are in a whirl of activity lately with a mega garage sale yesterday, preparing for our NY trip this coming week, taxes taxes taxes and the nagging questions posed for the refinance.

We finally looked at rental properties this week . . .umm, ugh.

Some were okay, some were bad and some were really bad and weird. We have our eye on a little beauty in San Ramon, we'll see how it all pans out. The dream of buying in Hawaii is probably just that. With the recent airline problems I'm afraid the rental market may not be as stable as we would need. Better to buy here where we know the market is strong and appreciation over the long run should be decent. We can revisit the Hawaii thing much later.

Annual swim update: year to date, 110.57 miles. I've been doing quite well lately- my swim time is about the same, but the mileage is much higher. Being the queen of the flip turn is helpful to avoid lane sharing with less desirable partners. When I see one of those come, I just go into swim mode and don't stop until I'm pretty sure they have settled elsewhere. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind sharing, but I'd rather share with someone who actually swims and doesn't hog the lane doing water exercise or kicking . . . slowly. The picture to the left is what the pool felt like today. Evidently Heather Farms was the ONLY pool in Contra Costa County open today . . . so everybody and their brother (and aunt and grandma) were there today. Even though the masses are not to mingle with the lap swimmers, they do. Halfway across the pool you may find a kid on a noodle battling his brother in the next lane. Fortunately the lifeguards intervened and I could smile pleasantly and keep swimming.

Enjoy your week- I know we will as we get ready to go see Ashley on Wednesday!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can see your picture shows China getting ready for the swim competition at the Bejing Olympics. WOW, talk about lane sharing, that is precision. It's like synchronized (I'm sure that's not the way to spell synchronized) swimming with the Asian Aquabrats or Aquatards. Keep up the good work. Remember that next week while Ashley and I are on the boat going around Manhatten, you have to keep up with us swimming around the island. I'll have my stopwatch and you won't be able to practice your flipturns.