Remember the keys in the toilet story I told you earlier in the week?
Friday at work there was quite a broohaha about the toilet being clogged. Yes, it took several days, but then suddenly there was an "overflow". Needless to say, building maintenance was not happy, less so when they discovered what was probably causing the issue.
Nearly 8 hours later the same 2-3 guys are trying to unclog the toilet. It was bordering on ridiculous. Several staffers were speculated who put their keys into the toilet. . . .really? you think someone just "put" them there? It got so silly that I happily announced, my mistake, but a correction here- I didn't place them in the toilet, they fell into it as it was flushing.
It will be interesting to see what the status is on Monday when I return. Let's just say that in the future, I doubt maintenance will be running to my assistance when I put in a work order!
Year to date swim totals are: 122.02 miles. I am definitely on track for my 300, just a bit ahead actually. Surprising actually since I missed one solid week in April!
I'm off to plant some things in the garden, do laundry and then make souffle's for dinner.
Happy Sunday all!
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