Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Three things

A few things happened today:

I managed to run a but farther than in the past (1 1/2 miles) followed by a 1 1/2 milk walk

I got back on my bike (5 1/2 miles)

My youngest turned 19.

The final is obviously the most important.

Happy Birthday Kyle, you made the Harrell Family complete and we love you!


Ashley said...

Good job on the running/biking! And remember how crazy Kyle's birthday was nineteen years ago?

Lore said...

I second what Ashley said on the exercising and as far Kyle goes, he was certainly the icing on the cake for the Harrells, such a sweet young man.

Anonymous said...

I remember Kyle's birth so vividly and love the picture you posted (complements to the photographer). Thanks for letting me be a part of it and removing the fear of childbirth! Happy Birthday Kyle

Anonymous said...

Seems like yesterday. Wow! You did great yesterday on your run and bike ride. YOU CAN DOOOIIT!

Anonymous said...

Amen to all the previous comments.