Saturday, September 20, 2008

vacation feet

Before I left for vacation I wanted badly to get a pedicure. Between work/the condo/wine work/ and other life issues I wasn't able to even cobble out the necessary hour to have that done. With steady hands, my strongest glasses and strange body contortions I was able to paint a reasonable facsimile myself. I arrived with lovely wine colored toes.

I completely underestimated the damage sand would do to my paint job. Within days the edges of the work were destroyed. I had packed my polish, should I try to fix this mess? Heck no, found some remover and am enjoying natural looking feet.
The sand is also working wonders on my toe ring, it hasn't looked this brilliant since I put it on 3 years ago when vacationing here with the whole family.

1 comment:

Lore said...

Well there are things that matter and then there are things that don't. Toenail polish certainly doens't rank too high when it has to compete with an Hawaian vacation. Enjoy yourself. Mom