Sunday, March 30, 2008

what happens in vegas . . . . goes into my blog

Well, we are here! It's the annual Randy and Linda boondoggle to Las Vegas.

We left this morning bright and early, arrived to "breezy" conditions and made our way to the MGM where we booked a room with our airfare. When registering they had us in a room with 2 queen beds . . . ummmm, any kings available? Well, we paid a tiny upgrade fee and we are situated in a nice King Suite, the place is huge, like two rooms smashed together with a living room and bedroom- cool, big enough to comfortably house the Harrell 5. The bathroom is double sized too . . . living large. Randy started his "gaming" and I headed out to the pool to sit in the shade and read. I've nearly finished my book club book and listened to a bit of a book on tape on my IPOD, nice afternoon. After this we walked over one mile to the Treasure Island where we had been comped a room. Along with the room Randy got $150 for gaming and we got dinner. We checked into that room and when Randy played with his 150 I took a nap. After dinner we headed back here and now are both pretty pooped.

One thing I've noticed since I've been here. . .and since they say a picture is worth a thousand words, here you go.

America, or at least those who go to Las Vegas, is fat. I may add that fat isn't even the appropriate term, rather morbidly obese. As we were walking to dinner I said to Randy I'd love to photograph all these people for my blog, but that isn't likely appropriate. It does make you rethink your dining choices though. I admit, it didn't keep me from the creme brulee' after dinner though!

Okay, more later . . .send Randy some good gambling mo-jo. Me, I'll stick to books on the pool deck.

Friday, March 28, 2008

spring don'ts . . .

I've got to get a little more consistent with my entries, I'm just not sure where the days go!

To follow up on the last post, spring do's . . . here are a couple spring do nots.

First, and very importantly, please resist temptation to tell me I'm tan.I know I'm tan, I don't want to be tan, I use sunscreen, I know it's not good for my skin, I don't hang out in the sun deliberately working on my tan, it's simply from swimming. I feel much like Magda from "something about Mary" (except where she REALLY tried to tan, I don't . . .and my kids will back me up on this.) A couple of years ago on vacation in Hawaii I spent most of the time at the beach in the shade, came home tan though . . . so much for saving my skin!

Second, and related . . . yes, I know my hair is pretty blond in patches. Again, from swimming.
Periodically I will toss a package of brown dye onto my head but within a few weeks, back are the blond streaks. People don't believe they come "naturally" but trust me, they do. So stifle the comments please. I'm getting better at wearing a cap, hopefully this will help.

Spring "don't" number 3. Resist temptation to let your pool go all winter. I'm paying the price right now trying to get ours from looking like a hiding spot for a lagoon creature. I'd show you a picture (I took one), but don't want you to have nightmares. I've been working on it all week and hopefully by the end of the weekend, it is blue and sparkly again.

Number 4. do not forget to water your new garden. We are actually having our irrigation worked on so this year it will be back to the garden of past with drip working out there- I'm so looking forward to fresh vegetables in a month or two!

that's it for now.
have a great weekend!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Pimping the Knife Parade

Ashley missed the last filming as she was at home surprising me as I jumped with two feet into my 50's. Anyhow . . . this short film is a creation of "Theknifeparade" her cadre of friends who do film and stage sketches. Their current dilemma is how to "get out there more" . . . this is my little part- telling my group of friends and readers about them. As they create more, I'll show them to you.

oh, here is the NYC tourism one they made several weeks ago- enjoy! Ashley said she was SO COLD during her part of the filming, she could barely speak.

Spring do's . . .

I kicked off the spring with a new haircut and so did the boys, don't they look spectacular? They feel good too, actually prancing around and surely enjoying all the petting and loving they are getting now that the snarly, weedy mats are gone!

Another spring do . . . go out and smell the flowers. Doesn't the cherry tree look great? Overnight it seems to have blossomed and it's such a beautiful sight as you crest the hill and see our house.
Oh, a belated mileage update. Year to date: 86.57 miles- Kyle has come with me on my last four swims and it is with mixed admiration and vexation that I witness how quickly he is getting into "swimming shape" Initially it was difficult for him to put a couple of laps together, now he is swimming about 3/4 miles without any effort- he is also nearly able to execute a flip turn. He is swimming for upper body strengthening and does nearly exclusive pulling and little kicking as he gets lots of core and leg work with his workouts.

and the garden is going in. Spring "do" number 3. you can't see much yet, and one of my pictures would NOT publish, but on the right you can see that Fermin is adding some more planters. So far we have tomatoes planted, squash (2 kinds), basil and sunflowers. Still to go in, eggplant and whatever else strikes our fancy at the hardware store. I'm also thinking a small cutting garden, bring the flowers in this summer!
so go out there, cut your hair, smell the flowers and plant a garden!

Monday, March 17, 2008

make a wish? . . .

This last week has been so surreal I feel as though I'm a recipient of a "make a wish" foundation award. Every single thing that would be amazing, has happened!

It started with the return from my visit with Travis in Santa Barbara. Leila returned "home" on Monday and then Tuesday was the big birthday around here. We (Leila and I) celebrated early with a pedicure at my favorite salon and a swim (thanks Leila) and topped the day with dinner at Forbes Mill (where Travis used to work) with Randy, Kyle, Leila and myself. AMAZING dinner and thank you to Forbes Mill (Dean) for the amazing complimentary desserts after!

Thursday Leila left to return to BKK (boo-hoo) and I must add here, BEST HOUSE GUEST EVER! That 2 plus weeks just simply flew by! Friday was a bit of a mess when the Expedition died on Stone Valley Road and the evening seemed to disintegrate, clearly not a make a wish moment. It wasn't until 24 hours later that I figured out why Randy wasn't dealing well with the incident! Mark Hoyt . . such a good guy . . . did a rescue and eventually all worked out.

Saturday was the BIG EVENT! OMG . . . I can't quite say enough, and won't try. My husband (Sanford) is simply the most amazing partner ever and he made quite a day for me! Having the kids all home has been such an incredible time. and then today, Monday, to continue with the make a wish theme Kyle went to the pool with me for my swim! Kyle is a great athlete and bugger him, he can even look good in the pool!

Just to keep current. Through TODAY, my yearly mileage total is: drum role please . . . . .
78.99 miles. I'll likely give tomorrow a pass as I'm going to make a big dinner for all and just want to spend time with all the kids before the two older ones leave. More swims later, when time isn't as consumed with the kids.

so . . . go out and make it a fantastic week!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

An amazing day!

I am, without doubt, the luckiest girl in the world. I have an amazing family and incredible friends.
Today we were scheduled to meet my Mother and Dad (Oma and Opa) for a family wine train trip. Randy, Kyle and I were coming up, Ingrid, Scot and the kids too. With Oma and Opa it meant 9 of us would enjoy lunch on the wine train to celebrate my birthday.
Imagine how I felt when we walked into the train station to find Ashley front and center and quite unexpectedly here from New York and Travis with an equally unanticipated visit from Santa Barbara . . . and the very best friends a girl could ask for.
Randy arranged the entire event, and managed to keep it a surprise.
Through lunch all I could think about was how lucky I was to be surrounded by such incredible people, but each time I considered saying something to the group I choked up and nearly started crying.
Loving friends and family are without doubt the most precious things one can have . . . I am such a grateful and fortunate person to have these amazing people in my life.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

an exclusive club. . .

I never belonged to a sorority or any kind of secret society. I've eschewed any kind of "club" that sought just certain kinds of members but have just discovered that I am in full qualification for one of these elite clubs. Yes, it's true, the AARP wants me! I got a card in the mail which if I paid the annual membership would consequently become active. What does one get for this?

I'm told by a card carrying member that she enjoys discounts on car rentals. Well, I seldom require that, and AAA takes care of that nicely. What else? Insurance discounts, got that covered too. Aside from that it appears to be a front for a lobbying organization . . .I'll pass.

So, today I'm FIFTY!! How does it feel? umm, I day older than 49 I guess.
I enjoyed my day enormously. The EBAY stuff (as usual) a trip to costco, a pedicure and then a magnificent swim. 4050 yards, this translates to 2.3 miles! After the swim Leila and I sat on deck and she told me that she had read that "older women" are the lost segment of society. I guess the thought is that we blend in and aren't seen. Well, here is one fifty year old who plans to not fade into wallpaper. I'm fifty, and I'm fierce . . . move over young ladies, here comes Linda

Monday, March 10, 2008

A massive missive . . .

which is what you are owed. Still busy with house company but that time is quickly ending and much to my chagrin Leila goes back to Bangkok on Thursday.

What a time we are having though!
Living up to my self given nickname "last minute Linda" I waited until Thursday to renew my drivers licence. It expires tomorrow and true to form, I waited till the end to do something about the renewal notice given 2 months ago. I guess they realized I had been toting around the same picture for the last 15 years and it barely resembles me, time for a new hideous photo op! DMV has vastly improved it's system of service and my fears of line standing were essentially unfounded. In and out in about 25 minutes- now I just dread opening the envelope with the new picture in it . . .

After the DMV escapade I accompanied Leila to Ann Taylor Loft, one of her favorite shops in Walnut Creek. Now, if you don't know me well, one thing you should know . . . I HATE SHOPPING! Begrudgingly I went in and came out with a few items (which will please Ashley who generously had given me a gift certificate there) I did tell Leila though that turnaround is fair play and now she owed me a swim! she promised to make good on that Saturday

Friday our book club met to enjoy some Thai cuisine provided by my house guest . . .good time, yummy food!

Saturday was another retail day followed by the promised swim. We had a great time at the pool and she paddled happily back and forth as I did my work out. Leila admitted that people watching was part of the attraction (I've told you about some of the pool people). Saturday night was a birthday party thrown for a friends 80 year old parents. Excellent food and company, my highlight was finding out that Ken, celebrating his 80th, shares my birthday!

Yesterday we rose to another glorious day and had a wonderful Mt. Diablo hike.
It was a great group of ladies (7 of us) who took one of our favorite loops and enjoyed great company and the beautiful green hills and emergence of little wildflowers. When Leila lived here this was one of our regular walks and it was fun to do it again, with such a nice group. I've forgotten how much I love hiking the mountain! After the hike it was back to the house for Thai food left overs and then Leila went her way as I went to the pool. The pool was incredibly crowded and I ended up sharing the lane with several women, one who wore super long fins that she whacked me with each time I passed her. "ouch" and "hurumph"!

I've been negligent (last week) on my swim update. Year to date total is now 69.89 miles. My turns are good and come easily. They are a lifesaver on busy days at the pool as people are reluctant to enter your lane if you appear to know what you are doing- (this obviously didn't stop Mrs. big flipper) .

well, I believe I have sufficiently bored you for now.
I'm off to enjoy the last day of my 40's!

Thursday, March 6, 2008

worth a giggle

Kyle will websurf occasionally and came up with this gem last night. He saved it for me so that i could share it with you . . . now, that was worth a giggle, right?