Sunday, February 3, 2008

new kid on the block

I don't know about you but I live life mostly in my comfort zone.

I shop at the same grocery store regularly, use the same hairdresser (although that recently changed), watch certain shows on certain nights, you get the idea. One of my regular things is to swim at Heather Farms. Well, this weekend was a big meet hosted at the pool which left us "regular" swimmers fat out of luck. Yesterday I talked myself out of finding a place to swim because it was cold/cloudy and still raining (day 13) but today realized I had to get some exercise or my eating out of boredom and lack of sunshine was really going to kick me in the (fill in the blank).

Nervously I packed all my swim stuff and headed to Cal High in San Ramon to which I had purchased a 20 swim pass almost 4 months ago (and haven't used yet).

I got there and saw the parking lot totally empty! Wow, this was awesome, until I saw the tarps on the pool and realized it was closed. WHAT? The sign on the door directed swimmers to Dougherty Valley High School, about 5 miles east on Bollinger. As I was puzzling this over another man came to read the sign. "Oh, I was hoping for a swim" he remarked. I pointed out that DVHS was open for swimming, but I for one wasn't sure how to get there. "Follow me" he offered, "I've never swam there though" he voluntered, "I hate going to new pools" This man clearly spoke my language.

I followed him to the new pool and as we went in we split off in two different directions as we entered the pool. DVHS pool was about 82-84 degrees according to the lifegaurd which is much warmer than I am used to. It's also deep, no lanes are less than 7 feet deep and there is a large diving well which takes probably five or seven lanes.

The swim was okay- the water so much clearer than Heather Farms. The swimmers in adjacent lanes weren't any faster than me (which made me more comfortable) but since I was directly below the lifegaurd stand, it wasn't the right day to "practice" my turns.

So, putting on my big girls panties I was able to overcome that new kid feeling. It also helped knowing that someone else in that big pool felt the same!

Oh, year to date total: 31.59 miles. January's total was 30.46

and now, let's collectively say a sunshine prayer- PLEASE!
I know the rain is good, we need it, yada yada, I need some sun!

listening to Glen Hansard and Marketa Iglova from the Once soundtrack . . . . love it.


Anonymous said...

Your a Democrat which means CHANGE. New pools, new friends,new cleaner water. Sunshine tomorrow then much warmer later in the week. YES!

Lore said...

Glad you found a place to swim. Exercise like that is the best rejuvenator. (not sure of my spelling. Mom