Thursday, April 24, 2008

Film racing

I was chatting with Ashley on the phone this morning and asked if they had heard anything yet on their standings in the 24 hours film race. She quickly went to the website and was delighted to find that they had landed in the top 15! Now, it's up to us to help


Thanks! (vote on every computer in your house . . . thanks!)
As frustrating as this primary season has been, maybe this is somewhere our vote will make a big difference. FYI this will be a winner take all race, not apportioned like a Democratic primary.
Now, GO VOTE- tell your friends, enemies and anyone with a computer.


Ashley said...

Awww... you're the best pimp ever.

Lore said...

I hope I did the voting correctly. When I figured out what I was supposed to be doing, it said that I had alrady voted. Then I tried to outsmart it by voting from my gmail address and there it also said that I had already voted. Well good luck. Mom/Oma