Sunday, April 13, 2008

Kyle and Linda go hunting . . .

two posts in one day- wow!
It all started when Bella came in with prey in her mouth. I didn't see it as I had just sat down to watch "Desperate Housewives" and enjoy a piece of Angel food cake and fresh strawberries. Imagine my dismay when Kyle exclaims "Mom, Bella brought in a mouse!" So, I put the plate aside, drag my bottom out of the big chair and go to see what the excitement was all about. First of all, not a mouse. Nope, this baby was a RAT! Let me insert an "ughhhhh" here. I hate rodents, they creep me out, they freak me out, I behave like a six year old girl when I see one. So, here was this rat, stunned a little and standing in the corner. QUICK, what do we do? Kyle grabbed a towel as we were planning to trap Mr. Rat and then set him free outside. Meanwhile- Bella, similarly freaked out, has gone back outside. I suggest we grab a broom too, in case we have to coerce him into the towel. Well in the meantime he takes off for the bathroom- that's okay, we have him cornered. He is a wiley dude though, and refuses to come out from behind the toilet. When he does, he makes a run for it and ends up in the den. There he goes into hiding first on my printer, and then up into my desk. Kyle is swearing at him this entire time and I'm pretty sure we've managed to waken Randy (although he never does come out to join the hunt). Kyle can't believe that this guy has "hops" as his vertical jump is rather impressive. After about five more minutes he goes to battle with us and wins the sprint and runs out of the den and toward my bedroom. Fortunately the door was closed so now we have him cornered, and in plain sight. Victory is near . . . but Mr. Rat has other plans and he runs past us, and leaps through the bannister and runs downstairs. "*()^&(_" shouts Kyle . . .we run down and now try to find where he went. About a minute passes before we notice him standing on the stairs watching us. I give Kyle the broom and tell him to go ahead and bat him, now we are going to have to kill him, he has left us no options. Kyle bats and stuns him but he runs into the bathroom. Now Kyle has a towel in both hands and is ready to cover him with one. But the tricky varmit outruns Kyle. As he trys to exit the bathroom I take the broom and bat him back in, hitting Kyle in the legs with the rat (double uckkkkkk). Kyle now is fit to be tied. He takes the broom, abadons all ideas of compassion and whacks him till he is dead. (insert another ughhhh). He is deposited outside without fan fare, all evidence of the raticide are cleaned up. As I'm cleaning the broom Kyle thanks me for wiping off the fingerprints.
The entire episode lasted almost 20 minutes- I officially LOST my appetite for the angel food cake and berries and I'll likely dream about vermin.
final . . . UGHHHHHHHHHH


Anonymous said...

I hate when I sleep through a good hunt. Good job. R

Ashley said...


Lore said...

The only thing missing was the camera crew. Glad you got him though, I hate rats, any kind of rodents for that matter. Mom