Sunday, May 4, 2008

at the end of the week . . .

Is Sunday the end of the week, or the beginning?
According to the calendar, it's the first day of the week, but since it concludes the weekend, it feels like the end . . . either way.

At the pool yesterday I was sitting and warming up after a long swim. The pool has been changed to long course which means that the lane lines are now in the long, 50 meter, direction. The upside is you can really get into a rhythm with your swim, the downside is there are less lanes so you must share with others. Regardless, back to yesterday. I was feeling pretty good and ended up finishing a long swim. I'm sitting on the bleachers (minding my own business) when one of the male swimmers, still in the water says to me "so, how many miles did you put into today" followed by a loud "haha" as if I couldn't possibly finish a mile. Okay, look at me, not your svelte 20 year old swimmer, but come on dude! I calmly reply "about 2". "REALLY?" he replies, absolutely incredulous. "are you sure". I pretend to mull. . . "hmmm, I'll have to double check my math at home, but I did 3300 meters, I'm pretty sure that adds up to about 2" (it was actually a bit over, but I wasn't going to gloat too much) "How many laps did you do" said he, still trying to figure out how I could POSSIBLY have achieved this. "66". "Did you swim in college? High school?" he asks. "Nope, but my kids did, does that count?" He falters, wishes me a good evening and goes on his way. It was fun watching him swim after that with his foot in his mouth.

Year to date total: 131.52 miles. April ended up posting the most miles thus far which was surprising considering my Vegas trip and NYC trips were both in April. I'm feeling much stronger now in the water, and especially psyched that I can outswim some of the dudes in the pool. YEAH!


Ashley said...

Nice job! What an awesome story... I bet that guy felt pretty dumb afterwards.

Lore said...

You are indeed a patient person, at some point in there I might have conveyed demeanor of MYOB, without saying it of coarse. Mom

Anonymous said...

That's my girl. In your FACE dude.