Yesterday evening I was driving to an errand and decided that it was a good time to listen to some "conservative" radio and see just what those folks were jabbering about. (I listen, so you don't have to). What immediately struck me was both the callers and host referring to Barack Obama as "Barack Hussein Obama". Hmmmm curious. What is the point of including his middle name? I'm pretty sure were seldom refer to Hillary Clinton as Hillary Diane Clinton and when was the last time you heard John Sidney McCain?
So I'm thinking that the main reason to focus on the Hussein name is to frighten people. I know that sounds so nefarious but there is a certain segment of the population who will hear the name and consequently attribute a negative connotation and then by extension feel negatively toward the name holder.
I've done a little research and found that HUSSEIN (hu-SAYN) means good boy, good looking boy, or handsome depending upon the reference. The origin is Arabic and it is a fairly common name in Arabic and African usage.
Maybe Mr Obama should consider a substitute more palatable to the double digit IQ's who fall victim to this "fear mongering" I've drafted a list of similar meaning names and their origins.
Alan: Celtic- handsome and cheerful
Beau: French- handsome
Cavan: Celtic- handsome
Kenneth: Celtic- handsome
Kyle: Celtic- handsome, near the chapel.
I think I found a winner in the midst. Not only is Kyle my sons name (so I naturally favor it) but the "near the chapel" part of the meaning can help dispel those fears of Mr. Obama being a Muslim. It's a win-win!
okay, now I'll pull my tongue out of my cheek. They can call him anything they want, just so long as after November it's Mr. President.
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