Saturday, May 24, 2008

i wear a lapel pin ,. . . therefore I support the troops

Given that Monday is Memorial Day, a semi patriotic post seemed important.
And, another opportunity to complain about John McCain.
Did you read the news about the roll call vote on the "New GI bill"?
Well, both Hillary and Obama stopped their campaigning long enough to return to the hill for the vote, Mr. McCain, not so much . . . he missed the vote.
The $165 billion measure passed by a 70-to-26 vote, after the majority Democrats stripped the legislation of language from the House version of the bill that would have mandated troop withdrawals from Iraq, And while the bill was drafted by two prominent Vietnam veterans in the Senate -- Democrat Jim Webb and Republican Chuck Hagel -- the currently best-known Vietnam vet on the Hill is siding with the president. "I take a back seat to no one in my affection, respect and devotion to veterans," John McCain said yesterday on a California campaign stop, then one begs the questions . . . why vote against them?

You can look at the entire roll call at:
and before you think I'm ENTIRELY partisan. . remember the bill was co-sponsored by a Republican and many R's voted for it . (all the ney's were R's too)

So, to be truly patriotic it takes much more than a lapel pin.
Let's really support the brave military personnel, both while they are in the field, and once they return. Physically, emotionally and in all possible ways.
"Hoo-haa" (army )

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