Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving eve

Thanksgiving eve.
I had to fore go my swim tonight as I had far too much to do to prepare for tomorrow.
For starters, it took 1 1/2 hours go get home from work.
Then, after throwing dinner a the boys, (literally) I made that last (hopefully) trip to Safeway followed by an evening of baking and meal prep.
It's now 11:45 pm and I've finished what I'm going to accomplish tonight.
The sauce for the yams is AMAZING, the pumpkin pies and eggnog cheesecake look to be pretty freakin good.

If all else fails . . . we have a cellar full of wine with which to fool our guests.

bon apetite'
Happy Thanksgiving.

Take a moment to be grateful. Despite temporary setbacks and difficult moments . . . .we are pretty lucky.

1 comment:

Lore said...

Yes indeed we are. I can think of only one negative and that is that Ashley cannot be with us but we will make up for it on Christmas. Happay Thanksgiving. Mom/Oma