Monday, March 17, 2008

make a wish? . . .

This last week has been so surreal I feel as though I'm a recipient of a "make a wish" foundation award. Every single thing that would be amazing, has happened!

It started with the return from my visit with Travis in Santa Barbara. Leila returned "home" on Monday and then Tuesday was the big birthday around here. We (Leila and I) celebrated early with a pedicure at my favorite salon and a swim (thanks Leila) and topped the day with dinner at Forbes Mill (where Travis used to work) with Randy, Kyle, Leila and myself. AMAZING dinner and thank you to Forbes Mill (Dean) for the amazing complimentary desserts after!

Thursday Leila left to return to BKK (boo-hoo) and I must add here, BEST HOUSE GUEST EVER! That 2 plus weeks just simply flew by! Friday was a bit of a mess when the Expedition died on Stone Valley Road and the evening seemed to disintegrate, clearly not a make a wish moment. It wasn't until 24 hours later that I figured out why Randy wasn't dealing well with the incident! Mark Hoyt . . such a good guy . . . did a rescue and eventually all worked out.

Saturday was the BIG EVENT! OMG . . . I can't quite say enough, and won't try. My husband (Sanford) is simply the most amazing partner ever and he made quite a day for me! Having the kids all home has been such an incredible time. and then today, Monday, to continue with the make a wish theme Kyle went to the pool with me for my swim! Kyle is a great athlete and bugger him, he can even look good in the pool!

Just to keep current. Through TODAY, my yearly mileage total is: drum role please . . . . .
78.99 miles. I'll likely give tomorrow a pass as I'm going to make a big dinner for all and just want to spend time with all the kids before the two older ones leave. More swims later, when time isn't as consumed with the kids.

so . . . go out and make it a fantastic week!

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