Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring do's . . .

I kicked off the spring with a new haircut and so did the boys, don't they look spectacular? They feel good too, actually prancing around and surely enjoying all the petting and loving they are getting now that the snarly, weedy mats are gone!

Another spring do . . . go out and smell the flowers. Doesn't the cherry tree look great? Overnight it seems to have blossomed and it's such a beautiful sight as you crest the hill and see our house.
Oh, a belated mileage update. Year to date: 86.57 miles- Kyle has come with me on my last four swims and it is with mixed admiration and vexation that I witness how quickly he is getting into "swimming shape" Initially it was difficult for him to put a couple of laps together, now he is swimming about 3/4 miles without any effort- he is also nearly able to execute a flip turn. He is swimming for upper body strengthening and does nearly exclusive pulling and little kicking as he gets lots of core and leg work with his workouts.

and the garden is going in. Spring "do" number 3. you can't see much yet, and one of my pictures would NOT publish, but on the right you can see that Fermin is adding some more planters. So far we have tomatoes planted, squash (2 kinds), basil and sunflowers. Still to go in, eggplant and whatever else strikes our fancy at the hardware store. I'm also thinking a small cutting garden, bring the flowers in this summer!
so go out there, cut your hair, smell the flowers and plant a garden!


Ashley said...

Wow, look at all that! The dogs look fantastic, as does the cherry tree and the backyard. I can't believe how quickly the tree really did bloom! Give lots of hugs to the dogs for me, and enjoy working in the garden (I'm jealous)!

Anonymous said...

You forgot to add that the chickens are out almost everyday enjoying the sunshine and cut weeds as well as all the yummy spiders and other insects that chickens love to eat. Hopefully they don't eat our new veggies. Even Bella seems to like walking around with the chickens and garden area looking for those fun to catch moles and gophers. Spring is in the air.

Lore said...

I like all that enthusiasm. Does the cherry tree bear fruit? Mom