Thursday, May 29, 2008

stay in your own lane!

This could be a traffic complaint as easily as what I'm actually fussing about.
People who, in the swimming pool, have their hands and feet drift over to your lane and cause bodily harm.
Today I was having a lovely swim. The sun was shining, I had a good warm up and was now in the midst of my one mile, uninterrupted swim. Suddenly I feel a scratch on my leg, followed by another from my waist to my thigh. The man in the lane adjacent, feet and hands akimbo, had managed to sneak his appendages under the lane line to "molest me" ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH
I sort of stopped, stunned- looked and him and he progressed without even a pause. What did he think he had hit? It's not as if it was an open water swim and it may have been a buoy, or a boat, or a fish . . .
I recover, and finish my swim BUT, not before the creep next door does it again.
and, I have the scratches to prove it.

Now, when the kids were playing water polo we expected some injuries and abrasions, but, lap swimming . . . come on. Randy seems to think he was some sort of creep out for cheap thrills.


Anonymous said...

That swim must've kicked up some happy endorphins... I would've been screaming mad at him AND let him know it! Keep swimmin'... just keep swimmin'!

Lore said...

Show him your scratches the next time you see him and urge him to get all the shots anyone needs. Mom

Anonymous said...

Next time it happens just jump out of the pool grab one of the long handled hook things and as he's coming into the wall stick that hook between his legs and give him a hard jerk helping him into his turn. No, maybe not he might like it. I wonder if those stun guns work in the water. That would be funny.