Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

As you know I'm a terminal Pollyanna, it's easier to look at the bright side of things than to focus on the dark. But, realistically speaking, 2008 was a little bumpy.
The economy is in the tank. (avoid looking at your retirement statements, it will make you cry)
Unemployment is soaring (including a small stay there by Ashley) The dollar's value is roughly that of a small pebble.
Wars continue. Crime is rising, corruption is rampant. Tom Cruise and Mel Gibson are box office bombs.

on the upside:
I mastered my flip turn!
We are healthy, Ashley is employed again, the boys are thriving in college, we have a new President elect, Brad Pitt rocks.
oh, and the whole family is together for a few more days . . . all is right in my world.

So, sweep up those pine needles, eat your black eyed peas, give thanks for your health and hold your family close- 2009 will be fantastic! trust me . . . have I ever steered you wrong?


Anonymous said...

Amen to that. I have a feeling you are right in your outlook, I don't want to say prediction. 2009 is going to be better.

Ashley said...

Yay flip turns!