Friday, February 15, 2008

jumping to conclusions . . .

There is a wonderful expression used with medical students "when you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras" . . . why was it then that I heard the hoofbeats the other day I immediately saw zebras? Sometimes I do believe that the best exercise I get is jumping to conclusions.

Go back a couple of days to my admission of life changes (okay, we can say it out loud . . menopause) I had what I thought were hot flashes, I had headaches, I was soooo tired (presumably from interrupted sleep) - which coincidentaly can be called "menopausal insomnia" I had body aches, I just felt crappy. Given the time of year (winter) and where I work (pediatric clinic) the normal and intuitive person would have guessed flu or other virus- NOT ME . . .I looked at the calendar, noticed my impending birthday and ASSumed that it must be menopause. Well, fast forward a couple of days. I became so uncomfortable and undeniably ill that it was obvious that my symptoms were not some thrust into next stage but rather related to current state viral infection. And, to prove a point, Captain Obvious reported on the news today that "even if you have been vaccinated, you can contract some form of flu this year" thanks . . . figured that one out . . . FINALLY.
Given the above information I took some advil last night before bed. Here is a miracle . . NO HOT FLASHES (aka fever) I slept like a log (do they really sleep?) and felt just a bit better today.
I stayed home from work, whined just a bit, still haven't had a swim, but am definitely on the mend. I'm optomistic about the weekend. Looking forward to another goodnights sleep (advil before bed) Randy has Saturday off after all and we may get a dinner out tomorrow as I spoiled his Valentines plans with my virus. Either way I'm feeling better about everything and am officially postponing my voyage into menopause. . . that's my story, and I'm sticking to it!
have a spectacular weekend!


Anonymous said...

How come menopause relates to women. It should be womenopause. Let's have dinner tomorrow.

Lore said...

Congratulations on your reprieve. At least you are mentally prepared. Mom