Thursday, January 3, 2008

Caucuses . . . primary's . . can we just get rid of Bush already?

First I apologize for the snarky title. I should just keep my anti Bush vitriol to myself . . no, that isn't probably going to happen. Okay, I didn't want to turn this into any sort of civics lesson, but I was entirely confused by the whole caucus vs primary procedure. Being a California girl through and through I never considered how people outside my state ran their political process. I am a bit of a political junkie. What I mean by that is this is the season which I adore. Gearing up for primaries , waiting to see who the candidates will be, watching debates and then voting. I love the voting process. I vote at the precinct, in person- none of this "mail it in" for me. When the kids were little I would drag them along to the precinct- their favorite part was the cookies provided. This is why I'm liking what I read about the caucus process. Here is a link that explains it quite nicely (if you care) After reading this I thought how FUN it would be to do a caucus. Obviously it is an in person experience. It sounds like you actually get to "argue" for your candidate. It then combines two of my favorite passtimes, observing and participating in the political process and arguing!
Well, I'm not an Iowan so I will have to watch this race on TV.

Let it be said though, "this Mama is for Obama"

1 comment:

Ashley said...

As I read this, I realized how misleading the title of your blog is: "A view from the middle..." CLEARLY you're a little left of the middle, hahaha. But this apple doesn't fall far from the tree.