Tuesday, January 15, 2008

String theory for dummies . . .

Certainly you have heard of string theory?

It all started when Isaac Newton invented calculus to describe the motions of falling objects and orbiting planets...

I've co-opted the name for my own string theory of sorts. With exercise one would hope that they could lose extra pounds accumulated over the past decade. This however, has been quite a struggle for me. I avoid a scale at all costs, mostly out of denial but I have a new measurement tool. I cut three pieces of string, color coded (actually it's yarn, but that didn't work with my title) and measured the three normal measuring parts of the body, chest, waist and hips. My plan is to "snip" off the extra string as my dimensions decrease. Now I'm not expecting overnight results. My goals are a bit longer term. With any luck there will be some decrease and then who knows, perhaps I'll brave it to the scale!
And now, since I've advertised this adventure- I damn well better perform!
how is that for self inspiration?!
p.s. had seven succesful flips at the pool today!


Anonymous said...

Glad to see Tucker is doing his job. Nice going, keep up the good work. R

Ashley said...

That sounds like a good plan! And congrats on the successful flips!